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May's Medical Board Meeting Recap


Rules to Watch:


Interstate Medical License Compact Update

Work continues on implementing the rules and processes needed to support the Interstate Medical License (IMLC) Compact in Ohio.  The medical board has been actively engaging with the compact administrators and expects to “go live” in August or early September.  A rule developed to support Ohio’s IMLC program was adopted by the Board at its meeting on May 11, 2022.  It is effective on May 31, 2022. More rules (and FAQ’s) are in the development stage and will be released throughout the summer.  
View the rule >


Telehealth Rules

The medical board voted to file the proposed telehealth rules with Ohio’s Common Sense Initiative (CSI) office for review. The proposed rules were drafted to implement Ohio’s new telehealth law (Sub. HB 122).
View the rules >

Proposed Rule OAC 4731-37-01 establishes requirements for the provision of telehealth services by the following State Medical Board of Ohio licensees: physicians (MD, DO, and DPM), physician assistants, dietitians, respiratory care professionals, and genetic counselors.

Rule OAC 4731-11-09 is proposed to be rescinded and replaced with a new rule that provides the general requirements for prescribing controlled substances for in-person and telehealth patient visits by a physician or physician assistant who holds a valid prescriber number issued by the medical board and who has been granted physician-delegated prescriptive authority by a supervising physician.

Proposed Rule 4731-37-01 Telehealth

Proposed Rule 4731-11-09 Controlled substance and telehealth prescribing

Comments on the proposed rules must be received no later than May 31, 2022 and need to be submitted to both of the following:

Medical Board at:
Common Sense Initiative Office at:

As a reminder, in accordance with the new telehealth law, the medical board will to continue to suspend enforcement of its telehealth related rules, including those with in-person requirements, while the board amends or adopts new telehealth rules.

Medical Marijuana

The medical board members held a lengthy discussion regarding the reports the board received from medical experts regarding whether Opioid Use Disorder and Autism Spectrum Disorder should be added the list of conditions that may be treated with medical marijuana in Ohio. The board members' discussion seemed to suggest that there is not enough evidence-based medical information available to warrant adding either condition at this time. The board will use the next few weeks to continue its review of the issue and will make a final decision at the June 8 medical board meeting.


The OSMA is actively following all of the medical board’s proposed rules.  For more information, visit the medical board’s website at or contact the OSMA at


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