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Medical Board Updates



Telemedicine Guidance and Extension
of Enforcement Moratorium

Following a lengthy discussion between medical board members on the merits and drawbacks of utilizing telemedicine in place of in-person visits, the board voted to extend the enforcement moratorium of its laws and rules requiring in-person visits in certain situations until December 31, 2021. The board also approved an updated telemedicine FAQ document. 


Medical Board Quality Assurance Committee

Following up on the Federation of State Medical Board’s (FSMB) audit recommendation of reconstituting the Board’s Quality Assurance (QA) Committee, the board discussed the implementation and timeline associated with resurrecting this committee. The QA Committee will meet on a regular basis, take a certain percentage of close complaints chosen randomly, divide them among the Committee members, and then discuss any discrepancies they perceived. The Committee would then make a report to the full Board. If a discrepancy is identified, one possible path would be to refer the case back to investigations for further review. 




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